How to prepare for a real estate photo session?
The success of a property photography session depends heavily on the preparation that goes into it. Here are some tips on how to prepare for a property photography session.
The success of a property photography session depends heavily on the preparation that goes into it. Here are some tips on how to prepare for a property photography session.
“What to wear?” is one of the most frequent questions my clients ask me when we plan our photo session. To start with, I always advise to bring along two or three outfits. This way we get a bigger variety in the imagery but also, we have some options to choose from. Here are some ideas about what to wear to a photo session in order to look to your best advantage.
To use tock photos is not effective for personal Business Marketing because they don`t evoke the most important feeling: Trust.
Film clips can elevate your marketing to a whole new level. They are versatile and you can use them for your website and your socual media.
Why is it so important that you have business portraits that show you and your team on your website and social media?